The Primordial Light of the Celestial Sphere
The Uplifter of Souls
by Iona Miller, (c)2018


About 4.6 billion years ago, our solar system, the Sun and the Earth were formed. Myth straddles between false accounts of the world, and those that never took place as described but contain core truths about the universe, the sky of our ancestors.

Universal patterns in nature have a mystical, cosmological, sociological, and individual function, both divine and subliminal. Every culture questions the nature, structure and order of the Universe -- the context from which all arises. Helios embodies this archaic worldview.

Process is a language full of action. Mankind tracks time by its relationship to the sky, to the seasons and the ceremonies. The daily and yearly journey of the sun has been observed and tracked for aeons all over the world, based on the six sacred directions. We seek our spiritual place within it, skywatching astronomical events to find our place in the world.

The premise is that psychic reality, psychic dynamism, including the mind turning around to reflect on itself, is as or more authentic than material reality. We can 
contemplate a more “conscious” universe, beyond human consciousness rooted in energy and information—a worldview in tune with myth and quantum cosmology.

We can only pretend to see our own consciousness 'as if' we were outside of it. Our information states are entangled. Entanglement is the key to the dynamics of absolute space. 
Conscious awareness depends on the profoundly unconscious substrate.

We have a cognitive unconscious for mundane and spiritual content that is difficult to access consciously. And, we have a deep psychic unconscious that is creative and imaginal. We might wonder what all that bright light is hiding. In a similar way, the hidden celestial sun is behind the bright rays of the sun. Sol Invictus is
 invincible self-effulgent flux. Perceptions shape reality. 

Its magic is the coherence of ritual or ceremony, gesture, art, and symbolic language in dramatic form. The unified psychic field is an immersive experience of dynamic thought forms and metaphorical-emotional resonance. Epiphany is upon you. Enlightenment awaits.

The presocratic monist philosopher, Parmenides, is the father of metaphysics. He identifies his guides as the daughters of Helios, who conduct him on an allegorical mystical journey along the same path Helios travels to the halls of Night, toward the light. The metaphorical activation builds with each image as participatory vision.

The Heliades took him by chariot along the Sun's path to the citadel of of a sophic goddess, presumed to be Night. This cosmic goddess revealed to him the true nature of existence within our delusional perceptions and illusory senses. She describes a cosmology and reveals “the unshaken heart of well-rounded reality” (fr. 1.29). 
Archetypal psychologist James Hillman explained that the “heart is the seat of imagination.” All great adventures begin in the heart.

This extraordinary dialogical experience is the motif of mystery, initiation, and encounter with divinity. Some suggest the deity is Helios, in a liminal place where night and day are conflated or intertwined by conceptual blending of source and target domain (knowledge) with myth and metaphor. Poetical images intertwine with scenes of a non-metaphorical journeyThe Earth and the Sun travel with retinue of planets through the galaxy.
 Our true self, like the sun gives us life.

Parmenides formed his philosophy from his journey to knowledge where he received divine revelation and wisdom. He assembles corresponding metaphors, focusing and emphasizing the correlations between approach, inquiry, and paths. For the traveler and enquirer, knowledge is the destination of a journey. The metaphorical target is the domain of knowledge but described literally and symbolically.

We frame our cognitions into narratives or conceptual metaphors -- an imaginal ecology or metaphorical reality. Helios is the core of the intelligence of the natural world with multiple meanings, ambiguity, and polyvalent symbolism; pre-verbal ‘primary process’ of the unconscious: associative, iconic, timeless.

Dramatic-metaphorical structure helps us navigate unconscious psychic dimensions and access subliminal states of individual and natural psyche. Cognitive unconscious reconfigures archetypal states and  psyche's dream-like imagery into coherent projections with devotional and healing potential.

 "Psychological reflections always catch light from a peculiar angle; they are annoying at the same time as they are perceptive. Psychologizing sees things peculiarly, a deviant perspective reflecting the deviance in the world around." (p. 164. Hillman, Revisioning Psychology)

"There is the psychological moment, a moment of reflection, wonder, puzzlement, initiated by the soul which intervenes and countervails what we are in the midst of doing, hearing, reading, watching. With slow suspicion or sudden insight we move through the apparent to the less apparent." (HRP, p. 140)

Gnosis Without Fears

Philosophy looks for relationships between humankind and the Universe. Neoplatonism engages the movement of a soul through the cosmos. It rejected Gnosticism's vilification of Plato's demiurge, the creator of the material world. In The Empty Self, Satinover notes that “the ultimate aim...of all Gnostic systems is a mystical vision of ... perfected and completed, ideal personality called Self,” (p. 27).

Plotinus argued that since the individual soul is one with the All-Soul, it is in essence a co-creator of the Cosmos. Plotinian salvation was instantly available to the soul by turning its mind to "essential being," primordial mind. Proclus called the arkhê or 'ruling beginning' of all Life the primordial unitywhose expression is each moment of self-realization of this One.
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We are stars that sing; we sing with our life along with the serenade from the heavenly stars. Self-actualization involves fulfilling our potential wholeness, not perfection, complexity more than completeness -- archetypal multivalence. The hypercosmic and intracosmic Gods are celestial, imaginal, and material.

In our inquiries when we go beyond a certain depth in psychology or physics, we enter the realm of the ultimate mysteries of life. The mystic veil of the starry firmament parts revealing the underlying matrix of creation, the luminous ground of the virtual vacuum. The void is created by the zero point radiative fluctuation of matter and antimatter, the superluminal void that gives birth to all images and form.

more https://ionamiller2017.weebly.com/helios-uplifter.html