Creation, Catastrophe, & Titanic Forces
by Iona Miller, (c)2018

Primordial Deities

About 4.6 billion years ago, our solar system, the Sun and the Earth were formed. Myth straddles a scientifically false account of the world, and one which never took place as recounted but contains core truths about the universe or human experience.

Myths reveal the human condition in relation to the sky, stars, and planets. The theory and nature of myth is related to the sky. The Titan god Helios is one such personification. The ancients naturally worshiped the life-giving sun, 
the symbol of the Source and origin of all things.

The circumpunct symbol has been around for millennia, as "the circle with the dot in the middle". The circumpunct meaning ranges from an explanation of deity,to an explanation of the self. The circumpunct is one of most symbolic of all symbols. An Egyptian solar symbol dates back to Ra (or Re), god of the midday sun. In fact, the circle with a midpoint, plus a vertical line is the hieroglyph meaning "sun".

The all-seeing eyes derives from the circumpunct. The most ancient initiatory and healing symbols, the circumpunct, a dot within a circle and/or a cross within a circle symbolizes the inner sun. 
is all-seeing eye evolved from prehistoric sun-disc images. The solar cross and wheel pendants mark the cardinal directions and the zodiacal houses of the precessional Great Year, a 26,000 years long cycle.

Helios symbolizes the order of solstices punctuated by periodic eclipses. Ancient mankind built megaliths, burial chambers, and cave features to predict these cycles and fearsome wonders. Today, we use telescopes, and the heart of each telescope is a mirror which brings things into focus.

The primacy of Helios reflects the primacy of consciousness. Solar energy and fire were always natural metaphors of creative power that becomes exhausted, then sinks back into its prior unconscious condition. Helios became the symbol of pure consciousness shining in the darkness of the unknown and the spiritual vision of the seer, described by H.P. Blavatsky:

The] “opened eye” is the inner spiritual eye of the seer, and the faculty which manifests through it is not clairvoyance as ordinarily understood, i.e., the power of seeing at a distance, but rather the faculty of spiritual intuition, through which direct and certain knowledge is obtainable. This faculty is intimately connected with the “third eye"... 

All creation stories, scientific or mythic, describe the manifestation of something out of nothing. Beyond our experience of material reality in spacetime, there is a field of infinite potential, of unbounded possibilities, of absolute space, absolute nature. It is the source of naturally arising light. Light arises like consciousness, thoughts, images, and other mental events arise in our field of experience.  

more https://ionamiller2017.weebly.com/helios-titan.html