Life-Bestowing Principle

The Mother, the cosmic womb, is the primordial fact of life, the ability to create life and the formation of personal experience, an invisible gravitational force. Mother is Mor/More in Pashto, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish, and Mere in French as well as Banusi and Wazir Pashto.. She personifies the multifaceted human soul, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, the wisdom of the wild.

This invisible world is as real as 
the microphysical world. We are provoked to reach beyond what we know to be real and enter into unfamiliar terrain. This transcendence can shift who we believe ourselves to be, where our bodies begin and end, what we are to each other, and who we are ultimately capable of being.

Fantasy is always creating reality with no intentionality of heroic dimensional conquest, the ground we stand on is pulling us forward. History is just a spider web of time in space. Our dreams are closer to the roots of our being than daily waking events. Where we feel at home is the place from which we draw our strength.

Soul is made and unmade in the world every day, beyond dogmas and demiurges, a shift in the fundamental way we see the world. More than observers, we are part of the animistic world of all living things, unfolding together in a living cosmos on which we are fully present. Disenchantment shuts us down, whereas enchantment opens us to full participation in the world of wonder and awe, transparency and mystery. 

Wild At Heart

The essential feminine, this wild darkness, the virgin forest -- the sensuous fantastic -- lights our way in the imaginal perspective of an ensouled world. Kybele is the autonomous fantasy maker that animates imagination of visible and invisible worlds and the seething excitation of instincts. We can tend and attend to the inner wilds, the symbolic language of nature, wandering through the imagery-infused world.

is the sole and original parent and our wild creativity. The throbbing heart of creation acts through its own center. The darkness of the depths, suffused with self-generated light, is also called spiritual Nature, Anima Mundi, or soul that exists in an invisible state as Primary Imagination, infused throughout the cosmos animated by collective soul. 

Campbell said, “The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.” (A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living)

Ritualized movement and silence speaks volumes, reverberating with future frequencies, opening interiority and ecstatic communion -- a kaleidoscopic fusion of the senses, the inverted articulation of attunement to reverberating echos. In active sensing we actively coordinate movement with the information we want to sense and find, integration of sensory and motor information, learning in a concrete way

We return in mystery to the embrace of the goddess, the wild feminine, committed to the wildness within. The Virgin of Conception was the original sacrificial virgin, psychoactive buds of cannabis, burned as a sacred offering to the Goddess. She doesn't enter us, but emerges from deep within perception as action, something elemental. 

The secret is inside the creation and based in nature and our own intrinsic nature, bringing more of the unconscious and mythic into consciousness through the mothering path of awakening. Life pours forth from itself.

Interconnectivity manifests in our deep psychic bond with the earth, its creatures and plants, and the cosmos as a whole. Evidence of this interrelationship arises in our personal lives in dream images and synchronicities, and in the powerful and visceral sense of engagement we feel with the natural world.

Our instincts include our paradoxical capacity for creation/destruction, our hunger for connective interdependence/independence, and sovereignty  -- consciously engaging the instinctual realm. Repressed, they return with eruption of compulsion and obsession, archetypal possession not differentiation.

Perception is more than external input, It is modulated by what we’re doing at any given time, a mixing of multisensory and movement binding, 
the way that we move through the world, movement as part of  cognition.

Death is integral to life. We understand that the nature of life in the world is about becoming. "It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live according to nature," said Marcus Aurelius. The ultimate nature of death is the final transition from becoming and the differentiation of consciousness to nondifferentiation and ultimate being.
